Julia Schreiber

Julia is head of corporate communications at itdesign. She delivers what her surname (German for "writer") promises: she writes social media posts and press releases for itdesign and is responsible for sponsoring and internal communications. In her private life, she writes novels. Comprehensibility is her second highest priority - right after having fun at work.

Elemente des neuen Corporate Design von itdesign
Colorful, modern, versatile: itdesign’s new Corporate Design
Colorful, modern, versatile: itdesign has new colors and the logo has also been updated. The new corporate design radiates warmth, ambition and fun at work.
2 min read
Christoph Adamczyk, Ranga Yo
TOP 100 Award: Ranga Yogeshwar honors itdesign for innovative achievements
itdesign is one of the "TOP 100" most innovative SMEs: science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar congratulates itdesign GmbH on its award.
2 min read
Dennis Lang, Carolin Nill (beide Team People and Culture bei itdesign) und Christoph Adamczyk (Geschäftsführer von itdesign) nehmen die Great Place to Work®-Auszeichnung entgegen.
itdesign receives “Great Place to Work®” award
itdesign GmbH, headquartered in Tübingen, has been awarded first place in the “Best Employer Baden-Württemberg 2024” competition.
2 min read
itdesign Mitarbeitende brainstormen mit Post-Its
Outstandingly Innovative: itdesign receives Top 100 Award
The Tübingen-based software company itdesign has received the "Top 100 2024" award for innovation success and a good innovation climate.
2 min read
Logo itdesign GmbH
itdesign receives TISAX certification
itdesign GmbH has received TISAX® certification for the processing and handling of security-relevant information.
2 min read
India Gate at sunrise
itdesign Founds Subsidiary in New Delhi
itdesign founds the subsidiary itdesign Meisterplan India private limited with headquarters in New Delhi to attract new IT talent.
2 min read
Tactical Meeting
Holacracy at itdesign – the Chances of Self-organization
Managing Director Dr. Jörg Leute explains why some units at itdesign work with Holacracy and how this organization works.
7 min read
Logo itdesign GmbH
itdesign is a “Great Place to Work”
itdesign achieves seventh place in the category 101 to 250 employees in the Great Place to Work competition "Germany's Best Employers 2020"
2 min read
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